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Get up

People will always disappoint you when you are leaning on them. People will never understand you through their perception unless they truly love you. The best way to get through life by holding on to your values is to, love deeply and do everything you can for someone, but don’t expect anything. When expectation come short, it is where you compare and judge the amount of happiness you think you should have. Life is all about learning. Sometimes the world and life is so amazing and something happens to take you down. Sometimes it is a sign from God to teach u something or open your eyes. Trust is earned. I believe despite every set back there is a bigger reward awaiting. I am extremely grateful for what I learned today. Had a tough week, but a wake up call today that explained everything. God allowed me fail in order to come to today and see. There is alot of evil souls out there, unfortunately. Sometimes I can fall a victim from being so pure hearted and loving, but just the satisfaction and clear mind makes me realize that it is all worth it. Despite anyone else’s attitude it is extremely important to be you and follow through you core disciplines and beliefs. Embrace the struggle. Embrace the pain. It builds the muscle, not to make it harder, but to make the heart more capable of loving. I move when my heart say move. I am a warrior, child of the most high God. Many judge me and categorize me for my actions giving it reasons for why I am the way I am. I say, “Get Out of My Way” , because I am uniquely made and have a purpose. A tool in God’s hand. I have been around the world and see things clearly. Thank you God for an amazing day! God Bless all..


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Florida Community Alliance

Florida Community Alliance

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Get Motivated Seminar – My Experience

On Monday, November 1, 2010 I attended a business seminar called “Get Motivated” at the Georgia Dome, located in Atlanta, Georgia. Some of the speakers present were Rudy Giuliani, Bill Cosby, Zig Ziglar, Gen. Colin Powell, Lou Holtz, Goldie Hawn, Rick Belluzo, Brian Tracy, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Steve Forbes, and a few others. It was a seminar I had been planning to attend for the past two months. Ever since I began my journey of self-development and becoming a life long learner, I have been focusing on reading as much as I can and began researching motivational seminars around the country in order to grow to my full potential in life. I read in a book that I cannot remember in order to give credit to, the following statement, “In order to rise above the crowd, you need to do what the crowd is not willing to do”.
The seminar was absolutely amazing and I took as many notes as possible while trying to keep up with the speaker’s enthusiasm. It was a full day event that I personally believe had a strong impact both in my conscious and subconscious mind.
My favorite speakers are Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracy because I own several books and audio books by them, but my favorite speaker for the day was Lou Holtz. Among many interesting things that Lou spoke about, one thing he said that impacted me was, “every single one of us needs something to do, someone to love, something to hope for, and someone to believe in”. Lou also mentioned the following very simple but impacting statements, “If I have fun doing something, people will have fun watching”, “Everything starts with a dream and you cannot let other people control your attitude”, “Titles come from above, leaders come from below”, “There are two types of people, those that lift people up and those that pull people down”. These were just a few statements from my notes but I truly believe in them. In order to succeed in life we have to continually grow and move further. I am doing my best to program myself for success and be a significant individual that lifts people up among the society who are mostly negative and divided now a days, therefore his words will definitely stay in my mind as I continue to grow.
Another amazing speaker and my all time favorite was Zig Ziglar. Unfortunately, before he came on stage, his daughter made an announcement that her father had suffered an accident two years prior and she would be accompanying him up on stage so she could remind him of what he would be speaking about. It was a sad but very inspirational moment, because he still found a way to do what he loved to do, despite his current situation. They have called Zig Ziglar, “The speaker’s motivational speaker”. Zig Ziglar stated that marriage is the most important decision you can make and what was so amazing was the fact that Zig Ziglar mentioned how much he loved his wife, whom he called “the read head” about three times, while mentioning that he could not have had such a significant life without her. It’s interesting that he made the same comment about his wife several times due to his short-term memory loss and his passion and love for her. Another amazing thing he mentioned was, “You can have whatever you want in life, if you help enough people get what they want.
Bill Cosby was another great speaker who had lots of charisma and showed us why he’s such a successful comedian. Every speaker was absolutely terrific and I have several pages of notes that I will look back at constantly to recall such an amazing day.

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October 17, 2010 – Amazing

Today was a great amazing, wonderful day. A blessing from the most up high, my God. Life is full of challenges and trials. We don’t grow on the mountain top, we grow in the valleys. What happens to us is always for a reason to teach us a lesson. I have learned so many lessons lately and my focus always goes back to my goals that I wrote down on a piece of paper about a year ago. Therefore I have not got side track for much long and always have my purpose in life right in front of me. My life is going in the right direction and I am happier than ever despite many small challenges within my own heart. Every starts from our thoughts and mind. Perception really is our reality. “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at really do change”. The outside world is a reflection of our inside. It takes a lot of self discipline and self mastery to reprogram ourself from all the negativity in the world. But the ultimate reward is worth the sacrifice. How can God gives us more if we can’t control our own mind and have self discipline?. Learn that skill from lots of practices and sometimes down falls but after many go arounds you can learn to master it and recover quicker. Life is amazing, and success really is the journey. When we reach our destination we will look back and say, “did I really do the best I could in every situation?”. God bless all..

David Britto
BlessedWarrior Inc.


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Live, Learn, Discern, Stumble, Walk, Run, Enjoy

Life is amazing. We wake up in the morning and depending on our thoughts and experiences, determines how well we live and feel about ourselves.

I have learned the following 2 things that has dramatically changed my life and brought me lots of happiness in well being the last few months.

1) Our Mind and thoughts determines everything around us. “If you change the way you look at things, they things you look at changes”. It is very amazing and extraordinary true. It is not easy to control thoughts but when we start de-hypnotizing from our habits in the past and start reprogramming our minds with positive things, we start being happier and more positive. It takes 21 days to develop or brake any habits. Therefore when we have a negative thought, we need to switch it immediately to a positive thought. It has increasing benefits in our health and mood. It is not easy but really possible with practice. We can either take action in our life or let the world decide how we are going to live.

2) Health – The first step to health is the fuel we put in our bodies; Nutrition. What we eat determines how we feel and function. I started eating lots of organic fruits and vegetables and even juicing and have felt extreme benefits, overall. It is amazing. I have seen documentaries that it cures cancer by just eating the right foods, non processed and whole foods. There has to be a reason God created us in the garden and gave us all natural foods. God is perfect and I know if it was healthier to eat processed foods he would have provided it for us in the beginning of times.

A simpler, healthier, and significant life is the way to live. Just my opinion. I am beginning to learn this simple basics and no one ever took the time to teach me, but am in a life long process of learning how to be more successful, happier, and significant. I want to make a difference in as many people as I can. To help others brings extreme happiness but first we need to build and help ourselves.

God Bless all my brothers and sisters in this beautiful world that God has given us. It is a battle zone due to sin, but we are all warriors in spirit. Be blessed.

David Britto.

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Success is discipline and the joy is overwhelming

Today was a wonderful day. I started off by reading and then my daily affirmations and my prayer to my almighty God. I spent the day then studying and researching on different marketing and business strategies. Trying to my best to self and educate and learn as much as I can. I am achieving my daily and life goals and focusing in gathering as much knowledge I can to help others achieve theirs.

Success is a few daily disciplines done every day, according to motivational speaker and great teacher called “Jim Rohn”. I have his book of Quotes in my bathroom and read a few quotes every day. It motivates me and help me keep focused. I have been very successful in keeping my thoughts positive. I always thought keeping control of my own mind was impossible to do, most of the time. I however am impressed that every time a negative thought come in mind, I cancel it by changing the though and saying a few positive affirmations. Brian Tracy said to repeat to yourself, “I like myself, I like myself” a few times non stop and it changes your self image. It is impressing how it works to change whatever thought you currently have. You can’t have two thoughts at once so you can quickly change your thoughts. It is amazing that a few days of self discipline has given me a great sense of well being and I do feel extremely happy. I do feel like I am getting closer and closer to my life long goals. I have written my goals almost every single day in a new page of my journal and it has help me create an inner drive that is amazing. I am more determined more than ever. I hope all has had a great weekend. God Bless You!

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This world was created by the creator of the Universe

What ever you believe in, know that he designed us uniquely with the most important thing in the world, the gift of air and free will.

What do you live for? Answer that question. What makes you happy? What would you fight for? These questions are very important in determining how to live and what to do to achieve actual happiness and over coming all the negative emotions and daily struggles. Everyone was created equal, with a body spirit and soul. Everyone was created with unique abilities and talents. Depending how you use those talents to better another person, is depending how good you will feel about yourself, grow your self confidence, and learn new talents consequently becoming extremely proficient at it. 

“Success is a journey and not a destination” The sooner you learn this quote and engrave it in you head, is the determining factor how soon you will learn to be happy and fulfilled. “ “Failures are a few errors in judgement” Jim Rohn. Failures are practice shots. Michael once said, “I missed more than 9,000 shots in my life, I then I missed again, and that is why I succeed”. “If you want to multiply your success rate, increase your failures”. There hasn’t been one failure that I have not learned something or made me better.our self confidence, and learn new talents consequently becoming extremely proficient at it.


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Firm, Persevere, Overcome, Achieve.

Many days go by in our lives and we go through so many conflicts, desires, emotions, worries. Sometimes it seems like the smallest tasks is so hard to get done due to the fact that we have get crumbled with worries that so many more have to be done.

I have spent many days alone, thinking and thinking. Those were the hardest times in my life that seemed so painful and lonely at times. Many of those times alone were not by choice but the places I was in and there was no way out. I believe that those times is what build the person I am today. Nothing in my life came easy but I do believe that I received as many more blessings than struggles. Sometimes those worries occupy our minds so much and it is so hard to control those thoughts. “Thoughts”, its crazy that it changes our mood, feelings, and reaction. The greatest battle anyone ever faced in life is the battle of their mind.

Not every day is the most exciting and happiest day of our lives. But days that seem so confusing makes those other days that are amazing so worth it. I believe I am unique in my own way and I have certain talents that are amazing. I have focused to do my best everyday in order to help as many people as I can, at least to help them realize certain things I have learned. To me, it is very painful to see others in pain, worried, or sad. I can almost feel it myself. Does anyone care about my burden and worries? Interesting enough, that someone in the world that endured the hardest anyone that ever lived can endure did. Jesus felt everyones pain and cries, and lived a life without any selfishness by curing and preaching. He didn’t walk with the proud and rich, but walked with the poorest and crumbled. The ones that had everything in life did not care about him and only themselves. Why? Because when we have everything without any worries, why do we need anything else.

I do however see God’s work in almost everything now a days. Every person I meet and every course that takes place. I am blessed with so many things and am glad for the worries and troubles I face because it builds a better person each day. Help me achieve the wisdom to control my thoughts my God. Help me live more by your spirit and not my selfishness flesh.

Today was not the greatest day in my life, but I tried as hard as I could to help make others better and do my part. I am not in complete peace in my heart and soul, but tomorrow is another gift my God that only you can give me. I stand firm in my convictions thus not best man in this earth, my heart is full of passion, dreams and goals. I know for a fact that I plan my actions but you determine my path. Have mercy and be gracious to me, because only you know my heart.

DB 03/10/10.

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Life consists of 1/8 percent talent and 7/8 percent discipline. The bible says hold your thoughts captive. There is a reason such a holy book that was written a long time ago is a basis for living a fulfilled life. Your thoughts become your actions. Your action becomes your habit. Your habits become your character. All of that takes great discipline! Today was a good day!! I am blessed.

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